Saturday, April 14, 2007

Sungenis's Views on Display at Republic Broadcasting Network

If you visit the homepage of CAI (at the time of this writing, anyway), you will see a large advertisement prominently displayed in the right-hand column, inviting you to listen to Bob Sungenis's radio interview with Republic Broadcasting Network (RBN) on the subject of "Neocons and the Jewish Connection."

We recommend that you listen to this interview as well. It is very enlightening, to say the least. Below are a series of quotes taken from the interview that bring into sharper relief what are Bob Sungenis's various beliefs and positions on Jews and Jewish issues.

First, a brief word about RBN. A quick visit to their web site (here) reveals that the organization is on the fringe - to put it mildly. You will find talk of political conspiracies surrounding 9/11, the coming New World Order, the conspiracy of the JFK assassination, secrets, subterfuge, and - naturally - alternative healthcare products (salt lamps, air purifiers, herbs, organic foods, etc.).

On the products page, you will find books written by authors such as Andrew Hitchcock (The Synagogue of Satan), Dr. Adrian Krieg (Vale: The Illuminati and its Plans for the Future), Eric Hufschmid (Painful Questions: An Analysis of the September 11th Attack), Grambo the Prophet (New World Order Defeated, a "collection of short essays dictated by God through me as a prophet over a year and a half"), and Texe Marrs (Codex Magica, which "exposes Secret Signs, Mysterious Symbols, and Hidden Codes of the Illuminati").

Interesting company Bob is keeping these days.

Some of these authors appear to share the same views as Bob concerning the Jews. Dr. Adrian Krieg writes:

So much for Zionist nationalism and allegiance to the nation in which they reside, Zionists have allegiance only to the Jewish community. The Talmud is quite clear in allowing Jews to lie, cheat or steal from any non-Jewish entity. In fact dispensation is given for even the vilest acts perpetrated against any none Jew. Verification of this is readily available through an examination of major spies against America, a great preponderance of whom from Pollard to the Rosenberg's have all been Zionists. (The New Zionist Captivity, source)

Eric Hufschmid, explaining what Really Happened© on 9-11, suggests:

I can think of several scenarios. The least complex scenario that is that the Jews discovered where some of the Arab terrorists were living and installed a few microphones in their homes. They then began listening to the conversations.

One day the Jews hear the Arabs talk about flying airplanes into the World Trade Center. The first reaction of the Jews was laughter. Could the Arabs possibly be serious about such a wild stunt, they laughed? How could the Arabs possibly pull off something so difficult and bizarre? Surely the Arabs were daydreaming.


In other words, the plan to destroy these buildings may have started off as a joke simply because the Jews could not believe such a incredible stunt was possible and that the Arabs were serious about it.

However, as they continued to observe the Arabs, they noticed that the Arabs were actually looking for suicide pilots and seriously planning this stunt. The jokes about planting explosives in the building turned into serious discussions. Eventually it became approved by the Israeli government. Tax money was set aside to increase the observation of the Arabs and to figure out the best way to take advantage of this attack.

Soon thousands of Jews in America were contacted and told of this stunt. The Jews in America then began pushing the New York government officials into selling the World Trade Center to Larry Silverstein so they would have control over the building. (Silverstein, in case you didn't guess, is a Jew.) You can take it from here, right? (Who would put explosives
in WTC? And why?
, source)

Yes, thank you, Mr. Hufschmid, we can take it from here.

Texe Marrs, for his part, writes:

"Our race is the Master Race. We are divine gods on this planet. We are as different from the inferior races as they are from insects. In fact, compared to our race, other races are beasts and animals, cattle at best. Other races are considered as human excrement. Our destiny is to rule over the inferior races. Our earthly kingdom will be ruled by our leader with a rod of iron. The masses will lick our feet and serve us as our slaves."

If I asked you what group of people embrace a set of doctrines like this, what would your answer be? Most of you would probably answer, "The Nazis." Today, in fact, it is Jews who make all these poisonous claims to racial superiority. No, not all the Jews. But, as I will document, a huge number of leaders among the Jews ascribe to these wicked and dangerous theories of racial and blood superiority. (All Hail the Jewish Master Race, source)

These are the kinds of opinions held by the men whose products are sold at RBN. And this is the organization that decided to tap Bob Sungenis for his opinions on Jewish issues.

The specific show on which Bob appeared was Mark Dankhof's America. Dankhof writes for the Breaking All the Rules news site (you can imagine the kind of content you'll find there), and is a Lutheran minister. The radio program he hosts is a three-hour program, and you can find all three hours of his interview with Bob Sungenis below:

First Hour

Second Hour

Third Hour

Quotes from the Interview: Bob Sungenis on Jewish Issues

These quotes speak for themselves. There is little need for further commentary, therefore, each quote will simply be prefaced by a summary statement of introduction.

In this quote, Bob discusses the Talmud and how Jews are raised from childhood to believe in their own racial superiority:

... while they were in Babylon, in about 500-600 AD, they wrote the Babylonian Talmud. And this was the musings of the Jews, and what they would get is their own tradition and mix it with the Torah, and all kinds of things, it was just a mish-mash of Jewish thought. Some of it was good, but a lot of it was bad, and the stuff that is bad is what our caller was just referring to a few minutes ago, which is, you know, the Jews are somehow superior to everyone else in the world, and when you are - when you study the Talmud as a child you're reared in this thinking that somehow you're a special people, even though you've been decimated and you've been sent across the world to every other nation, because God has judged you - you're still the Chosen People, you're still special. And so they grow up with this mentality, and this mentality seeps into their politics, their theology, their finances, I mean, every part of their life, this is an integral part of how they think. And this is what causes the problem. And what we're here to do is to even out the playing field. We're not here to smash their face into the ground, we're not here to say "you people are so evil", we're just here to even out the playing field, "look, we're all sons and daughters of God, and we all need to live together in peace. Nobody is better than anybody else, so let's start from square one and build from there."

Next, Bob discusses how the Jews were behind the Monica Lewinsky scandal, because of their anger at Bill Clinton:

You know, the thing about Bill Clinton was, you know, he tried to secure this peace accord between Israel and the Arabs and wasn't successful with that, and he did some other things that the Jews didn't like, because he got some power under him and he thought he could, you know, do whatever he wanted and then they, you know, they sent Monica Lewinsky in there after him, you know, and brought him down.

Listen to the audio clip

Here we have Bob telling us that God has indeed given up on the Jews, and that it is to indulge in "delusions of grandeur" to think that there will one day be a mass conversion of Jews (other men who indulged in these "delusions of grandeur" include St. Augustine, St. John Chrysostom, Pope St. Gregory the Great, St. Thomas Aquinas, Venerable Bede, Cornelius a Lapide, M.J. Lagrange, etc., see further here):

Caller: ... I'm also hit with the verbiage in the Talmud that is vicious and vile and I don't believe in any of that at all, yet, many Jewish believers today who use the Talmud as their source may not be aware of what it said and how vile it is [in] regard to Gentiles ...

Bob: Right, and St. Paul said the same thing, he says, you know, "what am I gonna do? I'm up against people that God Himself said are stiff-necked. God Himself - the man ... uh, the, the Divine Being with perfect patience gave up on the Jews! So what am I, Paul, gonna do?" He goes, well, in verse 14 he says, "I hope to save some of them." Some of them. He knows he's not gonna have - he doesn't have any delusions of grandeur that he's gonna convert the whole Israel nation as some people have today - they think there's gonna be massive conversions of Jews before Christ comes back - that's not gonna happen! We're gonna convert a remnant of Jews just like St. Paul did back in the first century, so he has no illusions of what's going to happen - and that's what we do. Those that don't wanna listen to the message, we say the same thing St. Paul said in Romans 11, he says, "look, they're in their hardness, they're not gonna change, and God's gonna deal with them." We can give them the Gospel - we can lead a horse to water but you can't make him drink, you see, and that's all our job is to do, to give them what they need, and let them make their decision.

Next, Bob talks about his research and how Jewish sources are the best sources of information about the Jews (of course, we'll overlook that fact that Bob's main sources thus far - Ley, Mohr, Weber, Pike, Piper, Hoffman, National Vanguard, IHR - are not Jewish sources):

The Jews are the best sources of information to talk about the Jews, it's amazing. That's what I found in doing my research.

Here, Bob discusses why he runs a web site - certainly this will be news to his patrons.

Everybody knows who - everybody who has been investigating this stuff for years on end and who have written about it, uh, and these are people - prominent people and some not prominent people - uh, they can all tell you that 90% of what goes on, the American public or even the world public doesn't know about. Uh, and you really have to dig to find this kind of information, and sometimes you do find conflicting information, of course, it's not all that easy, but as far as how it reflects on them ... you know, like Jesus says, you've gotta be as cautious as a snake and gentle as a dove, you know, Jesus was not a man that told us that, you know, we just let things fly as they will. You know, we have to be very cautious about what's going on in the world, and know that there are evil people out there, there are people with an agenda. And so they way it reflects on us as Americans is, we have to be alert, we have to understand what's going on, and - we live in what we call a democracy where we can voice our opinion, at least we have that left, and so, uh, that's why we have a web site, to educate people to these things. And I encourage other people to do the same thing, it's the only way this world - this word - is gonna get out about what's happening behind the scenes, is if people get involved in educating other people to it, and then things can happen. (bold emphasis added)

In this next quote, Bob tells us how it was the "Israelis" who were behind the JFK assassination (compare this to his recent statement here, "I said that there is evidence that SOME Jews were INVOLVED in the JFK assassination, but Mr. Michael's game is to make it sound as if I believe the Jews, as a race of people, hated JFK and wanted to kill him"):

Well, I've read Michael Collins Piper's book from cover-to-cover, every word of it ... couldn't put it down, actually, um (laughs), it was my bed-time reading for about the last three or four months, and he uncovers some things there that would astound people, basically - people who consider themselves experts on the Kennedy Assassination have never considered the angle that he's brought forth. And although he doesn't come right out and say, "yes, the Israelis killed JFK", he lined all the ducks up for you so that you can walk right through it and see all these political connections and make your obvious conclusion , and I think he did a very professional job in doing it that way ... Ben-Gurion wanted nuclear weapons for Israel, as early as the 1960s, and Kennedy absolutely refused to give Ben-Gurion his nuclear weapons. And from there, the whole thing fell apart, uh, Kennedy's relationship with Israel. And it is implied in the book that, you know, Ben-Gurion gave the decision to allow Kennedy to be assassinated by the Mossad with the CIA involved. And after that, it's astounding when you look at the American Foreign Policy to Israel, it changed 180 degrees when Lyndon Baines Johnson got into office.

Next, Bob talks about the problem the Catholic Church is having with those troublesome Jewish Converts today (note especially how he makes his personal opinions out to be the opinion of the Church itself):

We have in our own Catholic Church here many Catholics who are now, or, who have come from Judaism, they've converted from Judaism to Catholicism, and they carry over a lot of their Judaism with them, and we're having a lot of trouble with these folks because they are now claiming that the Jewish Catholics should now be treated more favorably than Gentile Catholics because God has a special program for these Jewish Catholics that the Gentiles aren't supposed to have. So it's not only just the land that they think they're privileged to have, this other spiritual plateau that they think they have achieved, just because they're Jews, is another issue that we have to deal with.

And along these lines, they try to make impressions on us by saying that God is now moving in these realms because we see so many new conversions of Jews to Christianity today that we haven't before. And as a matter of fact, they use 1967 as the pivot-point, they say, "well here" - and we have one author in the Catholic Church who says that 1967 is the time that's prophesied in Luke 21 verse 24, called the "fullness of the Gentiles." In other words, this is the time where the Gentiles have reached their peak, God has now set them aside as of 1967 and we know that because of the six-day war that went on in 1967. And the Jews took over Jerusalem, and from that time there's gonna be many more conversions from 1967 to the present time ... if we say a million or two million people back in that time, in 800 BC, and as Paul says, that God told Elijah that "I have 7,000 who have not bowed the knee to Ba'al", well 7,000 out of a nation of a million or so is .7 percent, ok? Now, you take that .7 percent, that's much more of people that were saved in Israel in 800 BC than we see today, in Modern Israel, where it's .08 percent, you see. So the statistics don't lie, I mean, if you look at them closely, there haven't been any real conversions to Jesus Christ from Israel - these people are as blind as they were 2,000 years ago! You know, so all this hullabaloo about God moving both geo-politically and spiritually in Israel is just not true at all, when you look at what's really going on. (bold emphasis added)

Listen to audio clip 1

Listen to audio clip 2

Claiming to be a "Greek scholar", Bob gives us his interpretation of Romans 11:29 and the meaning of "irrevocable"; for the sake of contrast, the great Catholic Scriptural exegete M.J. Lagrange (a true Greek scholar) argued that "irrevocable" in the Greek has precisely the "force of a legal axiom" (see further here for a fuller discussion, with source references).

A lot of Jewish converts today want to ignore that [Galatians 3:29], and as a matter of fact some of these Jewish converts coming into our Catholic Church are carrying over their Judaistic rituals, uh, you know, they wanna have a seder meal, and they want to have Jewish feast days, and wear Jewish garments, and - even on Catholic television we have a Jew wearing a prayer shawl, a Jewish prayer shawl, and telling us that Yom Kippur is one of our favorite feast days. I mean, this is ... (chuckles) ... this is how insidious this is!

And you know, it's interesting, uh, Romans 11, as you probably know, is one of these chapters that's pivotal on this whole thing. And in our Catholic Church even our Catholic Cardinals - and even our Pope at one time had made this statement, he said in 1980 - he said the Old Covenant has not been revoked, ok? Now if you have any ringing in your ear over that statement, you know that it comes from - part of it comes from, or seems to come from Romans 11:29. And there is where Paul says that the gifts and call of God are irrevocable. Now, this statement from Romans 11:29 has been taken out of context and twisted so badly in the last 20-30 years that it's almost just unrecognizable. Basically, what they've done, they've taken the phrase "the gifts and call of God are irrevocable", and they've said the Old Covenant - now, that's referring to the covenants that God made with Israel - are irrevocable, ok? Not only is it wrong to put the words "Old Covenant" in there, because Paul didn't say "Old Covenant", he said "gifts and call of God" - number one - and number two, the word "irrevocable", if you look that up in the Greek ... and I'm a Greek scholar, I know the Greek language ... if you look that up in the Greek, it's only used two times in the New Testament. And the other time it's used, in 2 Corinthians chapter 7 verse 10, where it's translated as "unregretted". And that's what the Greek word means, it means "unregrettable" or "unrepented".

In other words, what Paul is saying in Romans 11:29 is - to the Jews, the gifts and call of God are not repented, they're not - God does not regret that He gave those gifts and call to the Jews at one point in time ....... but when we see the translation "irrevocable", in a lot of these modern translations, we begin to think legally ... because that's the way we use the word in English, but it doesn't mean that at all in the Greek. It has no legal connotations whatsoever.

In this quote, Bob tells his listening audience about the Jewish tendency to want to take over and control everything:

To point out the other side of the coin, I've been as fair with Israel and the Jews as I am with anybody else. Because I suggested this, I said, "Look, if you guys would just get borders, constitutional borders in Israel, and not give the impression that you're gonna be out for some more land-grab out there - you know, I think the United States should protect you, once you have these constitutional borders, yes, the whole world community should protect you, because you have a right to be a nation. And nobody should infringe upon that. But stay within those borders, and have a little humility, for Pete's sake! You know? Stop trying to dominate everybody and trying to control all these things in the Middle East and get your way all the time." This is why, every place that they have been throughout history, they have been excised. Because they do the same thing every time they go in there, they try to take over the places that they go to! And every time they do, people get wise to it, just like we're doing now, and they get themselves in trouble. And then they wonder why they're so persecuted, and vagabonds across the face of the earth for the last 2,000 years - well this is why! And in my article I show Jewish authors - Benjamin Ginzberg, for example, is one of them - who says, "yes, this is what they do, this is why they incite people against them, because of the attitude they have, and because they try to grab all these things and control everything."

Bob on Our Lady of Fatima. Here, he links Russia, the Jews, and Fatima so closely together, but as of this writing he still hasn't made the connection, if his reasoning is correct, between the mass conversion of Russia and the mass conversion of the Jews. As long as we call it a "conversion of Russia" and not a "conversion of the Jews", apparently Bob has no complaints.

In our Catholic theology, you know, we point to Our Lady of Fatima as the guiding light for us, to give us some handles to understand what's been going on in history, and in the midst of the German uprising and their revolution, she never mentioned a word about Germany. She always talked about Russia, about Russia being the problem - from the 1920s to the 1930s to the 1940s, Russia's been the problem. Well why was Russia - who was running Russia at that point in time? The Jews were running Russia at that point in time.

Bob on EWTN and Zionism:

I wouldn't even want to speculate on [whether EWTN receives money from Zionist groups] right now, but I would say is that, Colin Donovan and the rest - not the rest, but many of the staff of EWTN, ever since the departure of Mother Angelica in 1999, have definitely turned the corner on the Jewish issue and have become, what I would say, pro-Zionist.

In this next enlightening quote, Bob admits that he only began studying these Jewish issues back in 2002 - the same year he wrote the extremely problematic essay Conversion of the Jews Not Necessary??, in which he plagiarized from Nazi and white supremacist sources. This statement below is proof that, when Bob began writing his articles on Jewish issues back in 2002, presenting himself as an authority on the subjects, he had only just begun to look into the issues (and the sources he was consulting, as we have seen elsewhere, were hardly unbiased).

Yeah, I think they're [EWTN] heavily influenced by that [the mainstream media]. I know I was influenced until I was educated just a few years ago. You know, it wasn't until, say, 2002 where I didn't - I had no idea any of this was going on, and then I began to study it myself. And I was bamboozled by the press just as well as EWTN is probably being bamboozled right now.

And last but not least, a lengthy quote in which Bob interacts with a particularly blunt caller. When faced with this caller's rather stark extremism, Bob does nothing to correct it, but confirms it instead. In the one attempt Bob makes to balance things out and say that Jews are humans too, his caller interrupts him and refuses to hear any of it - and so Bob gives up trying to play that particular card, and goes back to affirming the caller's extremism.

Caller: To take this slightly away from religion, or, mostly away from religion for a little bit, I think the whole thing can best be explained by Benjamin Franklin's statement to the Continental Congress in 1789, when he warned them, "Gentleman, if you let them in, in 200 years your children - your descendants, rather - will be cursing you in your graves, because they will be in the fields as slaves, while the ones you let in" - and we know who they're talking about - "will be in the counting houses rubbing their hands." That was Benjamin Franklin's statement, and I think it explains the whole thing. Because the man knew, he was a student of history - and he wasn't the only one - but he was a student of history who knew - he knew what they'd done in Europe, and all the countries in Europe that they'd been kicked out of, over and over again, because it's the same game plan for these people, no matter where they are, where they go, it's always the same game plan - has been for 2,000 years.

Bob: Yeah, as a matter of fact, just to add to what you're saying - we've been quoting Benjamin Ginzberg a lot on this program, and here's what he says, along those same lines - he says, "to make matters worse, Jews often, secretly or not so secretly, conceive themselves to be morally and intellectually superior to their neighbors. Indeed, Jews are extremely successful outsiders who sometimes have the temerity to rub it in." That comes from The Fatal Embrace, page Roman numeral nine. Now, and on the other side of this coin, you know, we've got to be very cautious, because these are human beings too. Jews are human beings, and God loves them just like He loves you and I --

Caller: According to the Talmud, they are the only human beings. The rest of us are cattle.

Bob: Well, yeah, and that's where the problem comes in.

Caller: Absolutely, so that's exactly what you're saying, but in a different way.

Bob: Right, right, and what I find in, especially today, is this idea that has been resurgent since after World War II, and that is that the Jews are the Chosen People - that this somehow has come to the fore again, that all of a sudden, 2,000 years has gone by and God has resurrected them as the Chosen People above everybody else - and this is where institutions like EWTN, or the liberal Catholics, or the Zionists, or the Evangelical Protestants, or whatever - this is all what they're feeding off of, that the Jews are the Chosen People and now we have to restore them to their rightful place - and it's causing a lot of problems, because once you do that, you're gonna push other people out of the way!

As a side note, the alleged "quote" of Benjamin Franklin to which the caller refers is highly problematic, to say the least, and is more than likely a forgery - another bogus quote. See further here, and especially here.

In conclusion, it is worth quoting once again from the introduction to Michael Forrest's essay Robert Sungenis and the Jews (online here). After listening to the three-hour radio interview with RBN, one can only conclude that Forrest was far more correct than he probably knew:

[Bob] continues to evidence a propensity to uncritically seek out and accept unsavory, dubious and/or negatively biased information in regard to Jews and has drawn others with similar proclivities to his website. (emphasis added)