Sunday, June 10, 2007

Sungenis Source Israel Shamir: Racist by Sungenis’s Own Standards?

WARNING: A quote from Sungenis source Israel Shamir at the bottom of this entry contains graphic, vulgar language.

(Click here for information on Israel Shamir).

As you read on, keep in mind Sungenis’s DEFINITION DIFFICULTIES.

Ben Douglass forwarded the following email to RSATJ:

[Israel] Shamir believes that certain races have innate flaws in their DNA which give them a propensity to evil. This is Sungenis' definition of racism (and therefore, anti-semitism) which he takes from E. Michael Jones.

"Thus, some of the British population have an inbuilt genetic memory of a successful evolutionary strategy connected with apartheid and with application of 'Judaic' principles."


Also in this essay, Shamir goes beyond attacking Talmudic Judaism to attacking biblical Judaism/ the Old Testament as well. I think Moses Mendelssohn would have a field day with his position in this regard: Shamir thinks he can sit securely in the upper story (Christianity) while simultaneously demolishing the lower.

And on other occasions he can be just plain vulgar:

"Men do fight and die for fair women: Sir Lancelot over Queen Guinevere, Tristan over Isolde came to grief but satisfied their passion. Others died in the attempt, they were sung about or bewailed. But a guy who dies for [vulgar term for female genitalia] he is not going to get anyway - deserves derision."

(End Email)

Yet, in his most recent 60 odd page tirade against Ben Douglass, this is what Robert Sungenis said about Israel Shamir:

"The Shamir article was posted for what it said about Israel and the Jews... And I will be posting a few more articles from Mr. Shamir in the near future."

Article, see page 14

In light of Sungenis's long history on such matters, there are three things of which we can be confident:

There will be no apology.

There will be no retraction.

Sungenis's obsession with Jews will continue unabated.

And any stick will do.