Tuesday, April 14, 2009

More Anti-Jewish Bigotry at BTF

In response to a Q and A at BTF entitled “What do you think of the pope’s speech on the Jews”, a BTF patron using the name “daaharper” made the following comments (question 121) and even invited Sungenis to remove his posts if Sungenis found them offensive.  His comments are the only ones currently published in response to Sungenis’s article.  Apparently, Sungenis finds nothing offensive in them.  For four weeks and counting now, Sungenis has published the following comments from his patron at BTF:

“Enough is enough.
At what point do we start calling a thing for what it is? Do words and actions actually mean anything anymore?
The Shoah has become the chief ontological event in the New World Order, and a potent political tool used to justify and facilitate all manner of political evil.”

“If Rome still had courage it would force the issue, many scholars are willing to support Bishop Williamson.”


“The Pope is teaching heresy, there is only one reading of Holy Scripture…Rabbinical Judaism…is satanic, or more precisely, 'The Synagogue of Satan'.” 

“Rightly, has Archbishop Theodosius of Sebaste told the Pope he is not welcome.”

“The term Anti-Semite has nothing to do with racism, if it did, the Jewish nation would be the most Anti-Semitic nation on earth.”


“Robert…anybody who supports Zionism – including the Pope – is evil.  Period.  If the Pope kowtows to Rabbinical Judaism, he is worshipping Satan.”


"Major Premise:  The Talmud is satanic

Minor Premise:  The Pope praises it 

Conclusion:  The Pope is praising Satanism."

After these extreme and offensive comments, Sungenis’s patron then returned to make another comment,  apologizing for being “so passionate” and to assure Sungenis that his diatribe was not directed at Sungenis himself but at “the Catholic World” - “particularly the hierarchy.” 

After somewhat equivocating on his charge of heresy against the Holy Father, Sungenis’s patron then offered this remarkable caveat:  “If somebody supported Nazism out of good will nowadays, we’d certainly think unfavorably of them.”  The idea of supporting Nazism out of good will certainly seems odd enough in an of itself.  But it is also telling that Sungenis's patron would merely  “think unfavorably” of someone who supported Nazism.


The next day, perhaps after realizing that he had revealed his thoughts a little too fully, Sungenis’s patron offered something akin to the “I have Jewish friends” defense…“I have known many fine Jewish people”.   He then went on to convey that he didn't really mean to slander all Jewish people.

And so, the pattern that we noted back in 2006 continues unabated:  “[Sungenis] continues to evidence a propensity to uncritically seek out and accept unsavory, dubious and/or negatively biased information in regard to Jews and has drawn others with similar proclivities to his website.”  (emphasis added, see: Sungenis and the Jews