Tuesday, February 10, 2009

More Sungenis Anti-Jewish Duplicity on Display at BTF

Sungenis’ pattern of anti-Jewish chicanery continues unabated at his Bellarmine Theological Forum. For example, BTF has recently posted a “News Alert” link to a video by the “Reverend” Ted Pike - an anti-Jewish extremist who is regularly published by white supremacists such as National Vanguard and David Duke and from whom Sungenis has previously been caught plagiarizing (click here then scroll down to point #34 ).

However, more importantly, Sungenis has again illustrated another disturbing pattern of behavior that we have documented at this blog. He has repeatedly removed problematic material when he comes under heavy fire only to later return to that material when he feels the coast is clear. (Article 1, Article 2 and Article 3)

In this case, Sungenis’ duplicity is all the more blatant when one considers a previous, condemnatory statement he made about Ted Pike:

R. Sungenis: CAI didn't pull any Pike comments until we found out the truth about Ted Pike. Mr. Forrest didn't provide us with any information that Ted Pike was associated with National Vanguard [white supremacists]. That information was provided by CAI itself, and when we found out, I made the decision to pull Ted Pike from our sight [sic].

So let's recap. We now we [sic] have several instances in this response where it is proven beyond a shadow of a doubt that when correct [sic] with corroborated information about a certain source, I will make the necessary decision to pull the source. In EVERY instance this has been the case. But what does Mr. Palm do? He makes it sound as if I knew previously all this information about the sources and deliberately left them on our site! (Article)

Here Sungenis acknowledges the “truth” about Ted Pike that he “discovered” himself - Pike is such a seriously tainted source that Sungenis determined it was “necessary” to entirely remove him from the BTF/CAI website. Furthermore, Sungenis used the opportunity to insist that he does the right thing “in every instance” when it comes to such seriously tainted sources and that his decisions have absolutely nothing to do with the heavy criticism he receives for using them. And finally, he fiercely protested against the slightest implication that he knowingly and deliberately subjected his patrons to such a seriously tainted source. It was, he contended, a mere, innocent oversight on his part.

And so, what is Sungenis’ excuse now for exposing his patrons to a man he knows perfectly well to be a seriously tainted source? Has Sungenis ever honestly objected to Pike’s anti-Jewish extremism and his associations with white supremacists as he claimed back in 2007, or was this simply another public relations ploy?

It may also help to once again recall Sungenis' own stern (and hypocritical) warning to Catholic apologist Dave Armstrong:

Sungenis: “If you have no political affiliation with these neo-cons, then I suggest you put a disclaimer on your site, otherwise people are going to get the wrong impression, and you can't blame them if they do. Any person with common sense who sees their names on your web site would assume that you support the political views of the aforementioned unless you say otherwise.”
(Sungenis, Q&A, January, 2005, Question 3).

Indeed. And when someone repeatedly uses the kinds of unsavory sources Sungenis does, "people are going to get the wrong impression, and you can't blame them if they do."