Thursday, October 2, 2008

Sungenis and E. Michael Jones Attracting White Supremacists

In past years, Bob Sungenis has been caught propagating material taken from the white supremacists at National Vanguard:

Sungenis Source Shut Down By Commonwealth of Virginia

Sungenis Dishonesty and Hypocrisy Over Racist National Vanguard Continues

Eventually, after sustained public pressure, Bob quietly removed the material he had copy-pasted from these white supremacists – albeit without retraction or apology. To this day, the most he has managed to say against them is that they are “believed to be extremist.” Believed to be? (Article)

And now, white supremacist groups (including one that Bob copy-pasted material from) are repaying the compliment by using and recommending material obtained from Bob and his mentor, E. Michael Jones (please note that if you have Internet filtering software you may need to disable it, since these sites are usually blocked as hate groups):

Stormfront Forum

Vanguard News Network Forum

Stormfront is “a white supremacist Internet forum that has been described as one of the earliest and longest continually published websites of any kind and the Internet's first major hate site. Stormfront was founded by former Ku Klux Klan member and white nationalist activist Don Black with the intention of creating a community around the white power movement…The board began to become popular with the exponential growth of the Internet in 1994 and 1995, according to owner Don Black, a former Grand Wizard of the Ku Klux Klan and a member of the American Nazi Party in the 1970s. Black founded the website in April 1995 with the intention of providing a central meeting place for the white power movement.” (Wikipedia)

Vanguard News Network is “an antisemitic, white supremacist website launched in 2000. VNN is one of the most active white supremacist sites on the Internet…Its motto is "No Jews. Just Right." [Alex] Linder (the founder) echoes numerous Nazi sentiments, among them that "the thing to be done about [the Jews] is to kill them, exterminate them, get rid of them. You don't argue or reason with a cockroach; you step on it." (Wikipedia)

Recall, again, that Vanguard is the group that Bob contends is merely “believed to be extremist” with regard to the Jewish people. Now, interestingly, these white supremacists are finding Bob’s material at BTF useful for their own purposes. For example, they recently regurgitated the false quote of David Brooks that Bob posted at his Bellarmine Theological Forum (in his review of E. Michael Jones' latest book):

“In the wake of the new consensus, a new movement was born – Neo-conservatism, or as David Brooks candidly put it in the Wall Street Journal: ‘Neo means new and con means Jew’”

One can readily see why such a quote would be highly interesting to white supremacist groups. But click here for documentation that this “quote” is bogus.

In 2006, we wrote:

"[Sungenis] continues to evidence a propensity to uncritically seek out and accept unsavory, dubious and/or negatively biased information in regard to Jews and has drawn others with similar proclivities to his website." (Article)

In 2005, we wrote:

"We should reject either automatic, unequivocal approval or knee-jerk hostility and animosity toward the Jews and/or Israel. Unfortunately, I have seen both dressed up to appear as honest opinions formed by independent, objective scholarship and/or investigation when in reality it's just a matter of someone with a predisposition regurgitating back the work and opinion of a few others because those others are saying what that person already believes. In doing so, such individuals try to pass themselves off as authorities and experts. Then others pick up the same pseudo-research and scholarship and use it as well. Before long, a whole network of self-anointed "experts" and followers may find each other, really believing they have independently happened to reach the same conclusions." (Article)

Certainly, Bob has never advocated something so utterly revolting and evil as the murder of Jews. Nor has he called Jews “cockroaches.” However, he has referred to Jews as having "infected our Catholic Church" and has stated that they have been “excised” wherever they have gone because they “try to take over” and eventually “people get wise to it.” Recently he issued the ominous, provocative warning that "it's time for people to wake up and stop being corralled by the Jewish slave masters." (Article 1, Article 2)

As such, it is entirely unsurprising that white supremacists and other hate groups would find his anti-Jewish work (and the work of his mentor, E. Michael Jones) so attractive and useful. Does this anti-Jewish polemic, which has become the very core of Bob’s organization BTF, really advance the work of the Catholic Church to bring all men, both Jew and Gentile, to salvation in Christ? Hardly. One hopes and prays that Bob will genuinely and forthrightly retract and apologize for his anti-Jewish bigotry and submit to the wise and prudent direction of his bishop.